What’s Your Mindset?

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What’s a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset?  Do you operate in a growth or fixed mindset?  You ask, why is mindset important?  Here is what I found!

A growth mindset means that you believe your intelligence and talents can be developed over time. A fixed mindset means that you believe intelligence is fixed—so if you’re not good at something, you might believe you’ll never be good at it.  – Jennifer Smith

When we are in a fixed mindset, we do not learn from past failures, we take the easy way out, or the safe path, our minds are closed to new ideas and innovative ways of doing things. We limit ourselves to new opportunities and we live within our comfort zone. Never venturing out and wonder why we are stagnant.

When we practice a growth mindset, we are open to new ways of doing things, no -is not an option, we want and seek new opportunities to pursue opportunities and we live outside of our comfort zone. So that we can grow and develop.

Fixed and growth mindsets are in all areas of our lives.  Which mindset do you want to live in? I bet it’s the growth mindset. 

Carol Dweck, The New Psychology of Success has 10 ways to develop a growth mindset.


Find your purpose

Take on challenges

Foster grit

Incorporate “yet”

Jot down your goals

Alter your attitude

Ask for constructive feedback

Practice mindfulness

Appreciate the journey

If you are feeling stuck and want to get out of the fixed mindset or want to develop a growth mindset.  Coaching is a great way to uncover why you are stuck or how can you continue to operate in a growth mindset.  Nurture change based on truth which inspires, renews, and re-energizes with vision. Contact me for a free consultation today!

Coach Jennifer